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Why Pam is Our Mascot

Our dairy cows have always been at the center of our farm for 125 years, and continue to be the reason we choose this way of life. Our genetics have been selected over time to build the herd we milk today. And a large thanks goes to one genetic powerhouse: K-Hurst Rudolph Pam EX 94.

Pam was an extraordinary animal. Her credentials are the benchmark of animal productivity both inside and outside the show ring. We enjoyed her beauty, and we continue to celebrate all that she taught us simply by her presence. She was the first of many good things for us and she put Kuehnert Dairy Farm on the map!

We look back at the places she took us, the relationships she helped build, the respect she commanded, and the joy in life that she brought all of us.

To us, Pam was the noblest of creatures and the life-giver of all. She is still the foundation on which we raise our families, a cornerstone on which we make our living, and the motivation to chase our dreams. She has made a permanent imprint in our hearts and minds, and we look to share her attributes with all whom we cross paths. She is the center of our farm logo — and she is now the face of Kuehnert Milk House.

We were and continue to be blessed by this awesome and beautiful cow!



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